this is

Soul Stride

where you can find your passion 

and walk your path

Latest posts

Just start to do it

You’ve heard it many times. Maybe even felt inspired. Yet, somehow never took the first step. Let’s discover why!

Winter hybernation

Seasonal depression is a popular term to use deep in the winter months to explain our bad mood and lack of energy. But what if it’s not depression but our bodies telling us to slow down and live in harmony with nature?

Van life diaries

I’ve heard many times about the scary ‘knock’. And then it happened…

“Everything you’ve ever wanted
is on the other side of fear”

George Addair


Hi there!

and welcome! My name is Virag and I am the creator of SoulStride. I’ve been stuyding psychology and neuroscience for many years before moving in to a campervan to discover the world. This site is the collection of everything I learned along the way!


I’d love to chat! Please don’t hesitate to contact me